The Ted S. Lopez Memorial Scholarship was endowed through the University of New Mexico Foundation in June of 2017 in honor of Ted Lopez, US Navy Veteran, and UNM alumnus. This was established by Ted’s daughter, wife, & sons, with the help of generous friends/family/donors.
Due to the challenging times many faced during these recent academic years, and the excellence of the applications received, the Lopez family decided to provide financial support to 10 veterans attending the University of New Mexico between 2020–2022!
Cory Henn
Chloe Orange
Crystal Baca
Jorge Edjuardo Vallecillo
Amanda Giraldo
United States Army
Nursing School
3rd Year
Derek Metzgar
United States Coast Guard
Bachelor of Science: Physical Education
Graduated May 2021
Ramon Owens
United States Navy
Bachelor of Arts: Physical Education
Laura Gonzales
United States Army
Master of Arts in Organization, Information, Learning Science: Organization Development and Human Resource Development
Graduating May 2022
2019-2020 RECIPIENTS:
Jennifer Mendoza-Badilla
United States Air Force
Bachelor of Business Administration: Human Resources
Ryan K. Stairs
United States Army
Double Majoring in Bachelors of Science: Astrophysics & Earth & Planetary Science
Jasmine Fernando
United States Marine Corps
Nursing School
2018-’19 RECIPIENTS:
Jason Kauffin
United States Army
Bachelor of Arts: History
Awarded as a 4th year
Valentina Basile
United States Air Force
School of Law
Graduated December 2018
Timothy Beaton
United States Army
Bachelor of Liberal Arts, Minor in Communication
Awarded as a Senior- 4th year
2017-2018 Inaugural Scholarship Awards
In the scholarship’s first year, financial assistance was given to three different veterans at UNM! Congratulations to two of the recipients, Francis Valencia and Lalydia Belone who graduated from UNM in May of 2018!
2017-’18 RECIPIENTS:
Francis Valencia
United States Navy
Bachelor of Science: Political Science
Graduated May 2018
Nicholas Larkin
United States Navy
Medical School: Physical Therapy
Awarded in his 4th Year
Lalydia Belone
United States Marine Corps
Bachelor of Science: Psychology
Graduated May 2018
The “Tee Off For Ted” Memorial Golf Tournament is an annual event held to amplify the level of assistance the scholarship may provide from year-to-year. Francis Valencia and his wife joined the Lopez family at the 2018 Tee Off For Ted Memorial Golf Tournament Luncheon:
In partnership with the Veterans Resource Center, the scholarship accepts donations year-round.
Ted was always an avid Lobos fan. From being a season-ticket holder to visits to “The Pit,” he had the Lobo spirit!
He also was a life learner, always seeking opportunities to enrich himself. Thus, at the age of 62, he pursued a master’s degree, ultimately earning his Executive MBA from the UNM Anderson School of Management in October of 2013. The knowledge and friendships he made during those two years were something he deeply cherished. Ted always told his children that one of the best decisions he ever made was going back to school, enriching himself, and getting his master’s degree. He was always loyal to the Lobos, but finally became one!
Upon graduation in October of 2013, he became the Director of the Small Business Development Center at UNM-Los Alamos. He consulted with New Mexico business clients in strategic planning, marketing, program management, sales, customer service, and more, to start and grow their small businesses.
He was an avid note-taker at meetings and conferences and was genuinely interested in learning how to assist his clients. Colleagues will remember him for his kindness, expertise, humility, and how he truly gave his best every day. Ted loved his job from his first day, through the rest of his life.
Ted treasured his family, enjoyed the outdoors, appreciated a variety of music, and loved traveling. He was an authentically good, intelligent, and generous man. He cared about those around him and always put others’ needs well above his own. He was the first to bring positivity to one’s day and was incredible at investing in the lives of those around him, while always remembering that it’s the little things in life and the relationships we have that truly make a difference. He treated every day as a gift. His strength, courage, sense of gratitude, faith, and love of God are an inspiration to all who knew him.
~Theodore S. Lopez | November 9th, 1949 – June 15th, 2016~